This Case Study Course ran live in the summer of 2022. It was a totally unique learning experience based on the Harvard Business Management Case Study Format. 

Live participants loved the experience, and you can learn from their experience now too!

The last time we did a case study course was back in 2013, the last of 3 Cloud industry case studies. And one of the leaders identified in 2010 was Amazon at around $100/share!

You will learn the step-by-step process Martha uses to identify the top 3 dominant companies in 6 of the latest new technology industries that are poised for exponential growth in the next few years.    

Think of the Return on Investment from this course!

Recommended Prerequisite:  Foundational training is found in the Global Financial Renaissance and Displacement Technologies virtual courses for this Case Study. If you did not take these courses, it is highly recommended. Contact us to enroll in a discounted bundle. 

New Technologies Covered

This course provides case studies for the 6 most important new technologies coming to the Mass Market Phase at this time.

  1. Distributed Ledger Technology
  2. Robotics, Robots
  3. Integrated Artificial Intelligence
  4. Hyper Automation
  5. Electric Vehicles
  6. Solar

With this course you get:

  • All the findings and research summaries of the groups the live participants as well as access to the Community for this course where students and staff discussed assignments and research information. 
  • More than 50 research document downloads.
  • The video recordings of all the meetings where the case study groups presented their findings and Martha provides her feedback and analysis.
  • Martha also provides her own research and analysis of her top picks from the 6 new technologies.

Course Curriculum

    1. Begin Study of Your Industry

    2. First Step: Learn about the New Technology

    3. Industry PDFs

    1. Second Step: Begin Study of the Top 10 Companies in Each Industry

    2. Week 2 Live Class Meeting with Martha

    3. Group Presentations

    1. Analyze the Innovation of Your List of Companies

    1. Finding the Competitive Edge

    2. Week 4 Class Meeting Recording

    1. Research and Discuss Your Companies' Risk Factors

    1. Characteristics of a Great CEO

    2. Week 6 Class Meeting with Martha

About this course

  • $3,500.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content
  • 1-year access to start. Contact us for ongoing access options
5 star rating

Leaders of the Digital Economy

Rick Vaughn

Hi, I just finished (finally) the video of the final class session. I thought the class was interesting and informative, but regretfully my work and vacati...

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Hi, I just finished (finally) the video of the final class session. I thought the class was interesting and informative, but regretfully my work and vacation schedule did not enable me to participate as fully as I would have liked. I did download the course materials and summary information and look forward to using it as a valuable reference. Thanks for taking the time and effort to put this course together, and I wish you the very best for this holiday season and the new year. Rick Vaughn

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5 star rating

Great Educational Opportunity

Richard Rykwalder

I enjoyed the course, it was somewhat of a return to the uni pace of learning. Martha's knowledge of new technologies is awesome. I was somewhat disappointed...

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I enjoyed the course, it was somewhat of a return to the uni pace of learning. Martha's knowledge of new technologies is awesome. I was somewhat disappointed by the small number of people who actually worked on the cases. Why sign up and spend a considerable amount of money and do nothing?

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star rating

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